Results for 'Francisco Contente Domingues'

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  1.  17
    Science and nationalism: portugal in the late 18th century.Francisco Contente Domingues - 1993 - History of European Ideas 16 (1-3):91-96.
  2.  18
    A scientist between religion and politics in Portugal : Teodoro de Almeida.Francisco Contente Domingues - 1989 - History of European Ideas 11 (1-6):325-329.
  3. Truth is what works : Francisco J. Varela on cognitive science, buddhism, the inseparability of subject and object, and the exaggerations of constructivism--a conversation.Francisco J. Varela & Bernhard Poerksen - 2006 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 40 (1):35-53.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 40.1 (2006) 35-53 [Access article in PDF] "Truth Is What Works": Francisco J. Varela on Cognitive Science, Buddhism, the Inseparability of Subject and Object, and the Exaggerations of Constructivism—A Conversation Francisco J. Varela Bernhard Poerksen Institut für Journalistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft Universität Hamburg Francisco J. Varela (1946-2001) studied biology in Santiago de Chile, obtained his doctorate 1970 at Harvard University with a (...)
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    Conceptual content and unattended visual features.Francisco Pereira - 2009 - Ideas Y Valores 58 (140):119-141.
    McDowell (1994) proposed a philosophical theory about perceptual content -call it "conceptualism"- that states that in every case the content of a visual experience necessarily involves concepts that fully specify every single feature consciously and simultaneously available during the experience. I..
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  5. Dialectic as "Philosophical Embarrassment": Heidegger's Critique of Plato's Method.Francisco Gonzalez - 2002 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 40 (3):361-389.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Dialectic as "Philosophical Embarrassment":Heidegger's Critique of Plato's MethodFrancisco Gonzalez (bio)Philosophie ist ein Ringen um die Methode.(GA58, 228)Hans-Georg Gadamer has expressed the following debt to the thought of Martin Heidegger: "The philosophical stimuli I received from Heidegger led me more and more into the realm of dialectic, Plato's as well as Hegel's."1 It is therefore surprising to discover that Heidegger himself did not see his thought as leading him into (...)
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    Retórica noble, prácticas criminales. El código del conflicto vasco a partir del documental Pays Basque et liberté. Un long chemin vers la paix, de Thomas Lacoste.Francisco Javier Merino Pacheco & Martín Alonso Zarza - 2022 - Araucaria 24 (50).
    This paper analyzes the narrative strategies of Radical Basque Nationalism, taking advantage of Thomas Lacoste's documentary, Pays Basque et liberté. It is made up of four parts. The first, as an introduction, focuses on general considerations about language to frame the narrative practices of the RBN. The second and third address the two central elements of the nationalist communication strategy: the use of international figures as an amplification mechanism, on the one hand, and the appropriation of a noble language that (...)
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    A Relevance-Theoretic Classification of Jokes.Francisco Yus - 2008 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 4 (1):131-157.
    A Relevance-Theoretic Classification of Jokes Relevance Theory pictures communication as an inferential activity that adjusts, in parallel, the explicit content of utterances, the implicated premises and conclusions that can be derived, and the right amount of contextual information needed to obtain them. When applied to jokes, a relevance-theoretic classification may be proposed depending on whether the humorist plays with the audience's inferential activity aimed at an explicit interpretation, with the audience's inference devoted to deriving implications or with their access to (...)
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  8.  65
    Method and Politics in Plato's Statesman (review).Francisco J. Gonzalez - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (1):159-160.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Method and Politics in Plato’s Statesman by M. S. LaneFrancisco J. GonzalezM. S. Lane. Method and Politics in Plato’s Statesman. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. Pp. xiii + 229. Cloth, $59.95.This rewarding book not only is another sign of growing interest in the Statesman, but also does much to justify this interest. The reasons for the dialogue’s relative neglect until recently are easily stated: readers have been puzzled (...)
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    Scrivere nell'anima: verita, dialettica e persuasione in Platone, and: Oralita e scrittura in Platone (review).Francisco J. González - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (2):269-271.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Scrivere nell'anima: verità, dialettica e persuasione in Platone; and: Oralità e scrittura in PlatoneFrancisco J. GonzalezFranco Trabattoni. Scrivere nell'anima: verità, dialettica e persuasione in Platone. Firenze: La Nouva Italia Editrice, 1994. Pp. 396. Paper, 24000 Lire.Franco Trabattoni. Oralità e scrittura in Platone. Milano: Università Degli Studi di Milano, 1999. Pp. 125. Paper, 16000 Lire.Trabattoni's masterful 1994 book, which the shorter 1999 book supplements in important ways, offers nothing (...)
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    (1 other version)Plato’s perspectivism.Francisco J. Gonzalez - 2016 - Plato Journal 16:31-48.
    This paper defends a ‘perspectivist’ reading of Plato’s dialogues. According to this reading, each dialogue presents a particular and limited perspective on the truth, conditioned by the specific context, aim and characters, where this perspective, not claiming to represent the whole truth on a topic, is not incompatible with the possibly very different perspectives found in other dialogues nor, on the other hand, can be subordinated or assimilated to one of these other perspectives. This model is contrasted to the other (...)
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  11. Moods Are Not Colored Lenses: Perceptualism and the Phenomenology of Moods.Francisco Gallegos - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (4):1497-1513.
    Being in a mood—such as an anxious, irritable, depressed, tranquil, or cheerful mood—tends to alter the way we react emotionally to the particular objects we encounter. But how, exactly, do moods alter the way we experience particular objects? Perceptualism, a popular approach to understanding affective experiences, holds that moods function like "colored lenses," altering the way we perceive the evaluative properties of the objects we encounter. In this essay, I offer a phenomenological analysis of the experience of being in a (...)
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  12.  25
    Breathing for answering: the time course of response planning in conversation.Francisco Torreira, Sara Bögels & Stephen C. Levinson - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:127426.
    We investigate the timing of pre-answer inbreaths in order to shed light on the time course of response planning and execution in conversational turn-taking. Using acoustic and inductive plethysmography recordings of seven dyadic conversations in Dutch, we show that pre-answer inbreaths in conversation typically begin briefly after the end of questions. We also show that the presence of a pre-answer inbreath usually co-occurs with substantially delayed answers, with a modal latency of 576 vs. 100 ms for answers not preceded by (...)
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  13.  26
    Reflections on Metaphysics M and N: Considerations regarding the place, content, method and purpose of the last two books of Metaphysics.Francisco Marambio-Garrido - 2021 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 49:71-91.
    Resumen En el presente artículo se explora la pertenencia de los libros M y N al programa general de la Metafísica de Aristóteles. Los libros XIII y XIV han quedado en el trasfondo de la Metafísica, como una suerte de agregado editorial, del cual se puede prescindir para la comprensión de la propuesta aristotélica. En el presente artículo, sin embargo, se asume un punto de partida diferente, que consiste en integrar estos libros al núcleo de la propuesta de la Metafísica, (...)
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  14.  20
    Matthew Bailey and Ryan D. Giles, eds., Charlemagne and his Legend in Early Spanish Literature and Historiography. (Bristol Studies in Medieval Culture 6.) Woodbridge, UK: D. S. Brewer, 2016. Pp. xi, 203. $99. ISBN: 978-1-8438-4420-4. Table of contents available online at d-historiography/. [REVIEW]Francisco Bautista - 2021 - Speculum 96 (2):472-473.
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    (1 other version)Percepción, Contenido Intencional y Singularidad.Francisco Pereira - 2008 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 64:143-161.
    Muchos filósofos piensan que los contenidos perceptuales son siempre generales y que no deben especificarse utilizando términos singulares. Ellos creen que los objetos /propiedades distales no constituyen esencialmente los contenidos perceptuales. Argumentaré que esta estrategia es insatisfactoria al especificar contenidos e incapaz de dar cuenta de una intuición común, según la cual la veracidad de nuestras experiencias perceptuales no es algo evaluable con independencia de si percibimos o no. Finalmente, sugeriré una alternativa "singularista" en la que los objetos distales sí (...)
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  16.  57
    Determinants of corporate social responsibility and business ethics education in Spanish universities.Manuel Larrán Jorge & Francisco Javier Andrades Peña - 2014 - Business Ethics: A European Review 23 (2):139-153.
    The current economic crisis, unsustainable growth, and financial scandals invite reflection on the role of universities in professional training, particularly those who have to manage businesses. This study analyzes the main factors that might determine the extent to which Spanish organizational management educators use corporate social responsibility (CSR) or business ethics stand-alone subjects to equip students with alternative views on business. A web content analysis and non-parametric mean comparison statistics of the curricula of undergraduate degrees in all universities in Spain (...)
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  17.  88
    On the Scientific Method, Its Practice and Pitfalls.Francisco J. Ayala - 1994 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 16 (2):205 - 240.
    This paper sets forth a familiar theme, that science essentially consists of two interdependent episodes, one imaginative, the other critical. Hypotheses and other imaginative conjectures are the initial stage of scientific inquiry because they provide the incentive to seek the truth and a clue as to where to find it. But scientific conjectures must be subject to critical examination and empirical testing. There is a dialogue between the two episodes; observations made to test a hypothesis are the inspiration for new (...)
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  18.  26
    El “Estado de naturaleza”. La comunidad primitiva y el pensamiento de Marx.Francisco Castilla Urbano - 2001 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 6 (13):86-106.
    Marx carried out a treatment of the original state of humanity which follows the illustrated and utopian tradition, but including a change in the contents assigned to it; the idea of the man as a isolated being, the small attention to material production and the poor view economy had about the..
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  19.  67
    The Third Way: New Directions in Platonic Studies.Francisco J. Gonzalez - 1995 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The study of Plato's dialogues has traditionally oscillated between two paradigms: one that portrays the dialogues as treatises expounding doctrines and one that sees them as purely skeptical, rhetorical, or literary. This collection of new essays by twelve noted Plato scholars illustrates the fruitfulness of breaking away from those paradigms, which have divided Platonic scholarship and led it to a number of dead ends. While the essays are diverse in their approaches, each seeks to find a 'third way' to understand (...)
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  20. A Conjecture About Phenomenality.Edward A. Francisco - manuscript
    This is a conjecture about the conditions and operating structures that are required for the phenomenality of certain mental states. Specifically, full-blown phenomenality is assumed, as contrasted with constrained examples of phenomenal experience such as sensations of color and pain. Propositional attitudes and content, while not phenomenal per se, are standardly concurrent and may condition phenomenal states (e.g., when tied to false beliefs). It is conjectured that full phenomenality natively arises in coherent processes of situated sensory synthesis and representation (with (...)
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  21.  26
    A Two-Dimensional Multiple-Choice Model Accounting for Omissions.Rodrigo Schames Kreitchmann, Francisco José Abad & Vicente Ponsoda - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:407581.
    This paper presents a new two-dimensional Multiple-Choice Model accounting for Omissions (MCMO). Based on Thissen and Steinberg multiple-choice models, the MCMO defines omitted responses as the result of the respondent not knowing the correct answer and deciding to omit rather than to guess given a latent propensity to omit. Firstly, using a Monte Carlo simulation, the accuracy of the parameters estimated from data with different sample sizes (500, 1,000, and 2,000 subjects), test lengths (20, 40, and 80 items) and percentages (...)
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  22.  44
    Form and Argument in Late Plato (review).Francisco J. González - 1998 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 36 (2):311-313.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Form and Argument in Late Plato ed. by Christopher Gill and Mary Margaret McCabeFrancisco J. GonzalezChristopher Gill and Mary Margaret McCabe, editors. Form and Argument in Late Plato. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996. Pp. xi + 345. Cloth, $65.00.This collection has the commendable aim of challenging the view that in Plato’s “late” works the dialogue form is a mere formality adding little to the argumentative content, a view (...)
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  23.  21
    Embodied intentionality: a convergence between sartrean philosophy and sensorimotor enactivism.Vinícius Francisco Apolinário & Thana Mara de Souza - 2024 - Griot 24 (2):168-181.
    In Sartrean philosophy, the body is a central element in explaining the nature of intentionality, that is, the nature of how our consciousness apprehends reality. His corporeal phenomenology aims to refute the followers of the Cartesian tradition of the mind. At the same time, in the contemporary philosophy of mind and cognition, supporters of the enactivist tradition seek to elucidate the body's central role in the constitution of cognition. Likewise, their opponents are the adherents of cognitivism, who see the locus (...)
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  24.  12
    Hart y el problema del positivismo jurídico. Una reconstrucción en tres actos = Hart and the problem of legal positivism. A reconstruction in three acts.Francisco M. Mora-Sifuentes - 2019 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 31:2-32.
    RESUMEN: Este trabajo tiene como finalidad destacar la contribución específica de H.L.A. Hart sobre el problema del positivismo jurídico. A juicio del autor, el tratamiento que Hart dio a la polémica entre positivismo jurídico y Derecho Natural estuvo marcada por dos extremos aparentemente contradictorios. Por una parte, se abocó a clarificar las diversas tesis que anidan tras la etiqueta “positivismo jurídico”, así como las posiciones que suelen referirse como tales. Al hacerlo abrió el camino para mostrar en qué sentido no (...)
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  25.  14
    La Corona, los moriscos granadinos y el servicio de 1603. Pacto fiscal y negociación política.Francisco J. Moreno Díaz del Campo - 2017 - Al-Qantara 38 (1):7-43.
    This paper analyses the details that characterized the negotiation and collection of the servicio de los naturales from the year 1603 onwards, the last time of those three in which moriscos of Granada paid to the Hispanic Monarchy after the Alpujarras War, when they were settled in Castile. The author has analysed documents coming from the Archivo General de Simancas, but also those included in notary’s protocols and in local archives. Its main contributions are three: to publish the content of (...)
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  26. Life goes on.Francisco Verardi Bocca - 2024 - Alpha (Osorno) 58:313-329.
    Resumen: Este artículo propone una reflexión acerca de la noción de progreso. Una noción que recibió una contribución especial de Immanuel Kant, quien le otorgó la condición de finalidad y objetivo de las conciencias y de la historia humana. Esta condición, un poco más tarde, fue cuestionada y reformulada por Charles Darwin, quien, desde una ciencia de la vida, concibió tanto para los organismos vivos como para la humanidad un progreso con el fin de su conservación y reproducción, como resultado (...)
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  27.  24
    Between the greek tragedy and the road movies: Fernando Arrabal’s Iré como un caballo loco.Francisco-Javier Ruiz-del-Olmo & Jesús del Río - 2018 - Alpha (Osorno) 47:135-147.
    Resumen El presente texto realiza un análisis de la estructura narrativa, y de la estética y contenido de la obra cinematográfica de Fernando Arrabal Iré como un caballo loco. Más allá de su reconocida trayectoria como dramaturgo, esta obra singular construye de forma profunda y estructurada una narración compleja, llena de referentes biográficos, literarios y mediáticos, más allá de la simple apariencia de caos, confusión y absurdo. La intertextualidad de su estructura narrativa obliga a realizar un análisis cualitativo e interdisciplinar, (...)
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    El Proceso de Construcción de Corpus Teóricos: La importancia de los referentes no teóricos en los procesos de teorización.Francisco Covarrubias-Villa - 2010 - Cinta de Moebio 37:15-28.
    Every theory is based on a rationality that implies a definition of reality (ontology) and its related epistemological definition; hence every theory perceives certain shapes and contents of reality different from one another. That perceived implies a certain way to construct knowledge, i.e., resear..
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    Filosofia da cultura.Sidnei Francisco do Nascimento - 2009 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 21 (29):599-603.
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    “Fueling up” Gamers. The Ethics of Marketing Energy Drinks to Gamers.Francisco Javier Lopez Frias - 2020 - Neuroethics 14 (2):239-249.
    In this article, I investigate whether states should regulate energy-drink marketing practices targeting gamers. Energy drinks are high-sugar, high-caffeine, non-alcoholic beverages that allegedly improve energy, stamina, cognitive performance, and concentration. First, I define what “gamer” means and identify the market agents that play a crucial role in the gaming community, including the energy-drink industry. In doing so, I analyze energy-drink marketing practices and explore calls for regulating them. Second, I draw parallels between regulation of energy-drink marketing and marketing of products (...)
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  31. Evans and First Person Authority.Martin Francisco Fricke - 2009 - Abstracta 5 (1):3-15.
    In The Varieties of Reference, Gareth Evans describes the acquisition of beliefs about one’s beliefs in the following way: ‘I get myself in a position to answer the question whether I believe that p by putting into operation whatever procedure I have for answering the question whether p.’ In this paper I argue that Evans’s remark can be used to explain first person authority if it is supplemented with the following consideration: Holding on to the content of a belief and (...)
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    Universalismo entre religiões e modernidade: a fundamentação do universalismo epistemológico-moral por meio da cooperação entre razão e religião.Leno Francisco Danner, Agemir Bavaresco & Fernando Danner - 2019 - Horizonte 17 (52):436-461.
    This paper has two main purposes, the first is to develop a criticism on the notion of modernity, or Western rationalism, presented in contemporary theories of modernity, characterized by the idea of autonomy and self-sufficiency of reason regarding the foundation of a binding notion of social normativity. The study criticizes the main perception of these theories of modernity, namely, the proposition that profane and secularized rationalism, marked by an impartial, neutral, formal and impersonal perspective in axiological-methodological terms, is enough to (...)
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  33.  23
    Um Convite Às Crianças Para Fazermos Uma Experiência Com Suas Visualidades No Contexto Pandêmico.Erika Francisco de Paulo David & Dagmar de Mello E. Silva - 2022 - Childhood and Philosophy 18:01-16.
    This study reflects on the ways in which children, during pandemic times, expressed themselves and came into contact with their teachers and classmates through Image-Letters, ways of saying and saying themselves to the world through audiovisual media. Sensible sharing of their daily lives were revealed by these media and made us think about the diverse childhood of this time. The theoretical framework that supported this work had the contribution of De Certeau regarding studies on everyday life, Walter Benjamin with his (...)
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  34. O conceito de direito em Kant e Habermas: da fundamentação moral à legitimidade discursiva.Francisco Jozivan Guedes de Lima - 2015 - Peri 7 (1):293-313.
    This paper revisits the Kantian concept of law, observing principally its moral groundwork and then brings to the discussion the Habermas’ concept of law, culminating in some appreciations on the content and validity of the critique of Habermas to Kant, namely, the hypothesis of a dilution of Kantian law in the moral. For Habermas, the law is an autonomous sphere and should not be based on moral a priori, but must perforce draw support in the ethics of discourse and in (...)
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  35.  13
    Political praxis, social analysis and western modernization: a theoretical-political route for critical social theory.Leno Francisco Danner & Fernando Danner - 2020 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 20 (2):154-173.
    This paper criticizes the emphasis placed by contemporary social theory and political philosophy on institutionalism as the basis for the understanding, legitimation and changing of institutions, or social systems, and society as a whole. The more impactful characteristic of institutionalism is its technical-logical structuring, based on an impartial, neutral and formal proceduralism that autonomizes social systems in relation to political praxis and social normativity, depoliticizing these social systems. Here, they are no longer depoliticized, but assume political centrality as the fundamental (...)
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  36. Derecho y ley en José Ortega y Gasset / Right and Law in José Ortega y Gasset.Francisco Elías de Tejada - 1965-1966 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez (5-6):109-127.
    Contents: 1. Razón del presente estudio -- 2. La formación del Derecho -- 3. Ortega y el Derecho natural -- 4. Ortega y el espíritu popular o "Volksgeist" -- 5. El Derecho y la Moral -- 6. Derecho y ley positiva -- 7. Colofón.
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    A Phenomenological Theory of Self-consciousness.Martin Francisco Fricke - 2002
    My thesis tests a novel definition of consciousness by applying it to theories of self-consciousness. This definition attempts to distinguish the phenomenon of consciousness from those of knowledge, belief, awareness, and perception by describing it as the noticing of objects and the registering of facts in thought. My investigation of self-consciousness is phenomenological in that it leaves aside questions as to whether selves exist or what their nature is and just examines what the contents of self-consciousness are. The main question, (...)
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  38. A Global Point of View on Russell's Philosophy.Francisco Rodriguez Consuegra - unknown
    This is an essay-review of C. Wade Savage and C. Anthony Anderson (editors), Rereading Russell: Essays in Bertrand Russell's Metaphysics and Epistemology, Volume XII of Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1989. The book is devoted to studying Russell's later philosophy, although the actual content concerns also Russell's early logical and epistemological writings. Here I study and criticize a group of contributions (mainly those by Hylton, Goldfarb, Cocchiarella, Pears and Demopoulos/Friedman) from a global and (...)
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    Online sustainable development goals disclosure: A comparative study in Italian and Spanish local governments.Giuseppe Nicolò, Francisco Javier Andrades-Peña, Diana Ferullo & Domingo Martinez-Martinez - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (4):1490-1505.
    In this study, we performed a comparative analysis to examine the extent to which local governments (LGs) in two Mediterranean countries – Spain and Italy – use their websites to disclose information related to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in response to the launch of the United Nations' (UN) 2030 Agenda. We performed a manual content analysis of the official websites of all Italian and Spanish LGs with more than 100,000 inhabitants, constructing different disclosure indexes. We then used a non-parametric statistical (...)
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  40. Transparency and Knowledge of One's Own Perceptions.Martin Francisco Fricke - 2017 - Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society 25:65-67.
    So-called "transparency theories" of self-knowledge, inspired by a remark of Gareth Evans, claim that we can obtain knowledge of our own beliefs by directing out attention towards the world, rather than introspecting the contents of our own minds. Most recent transparency theories concentrate on the case of self-knowledge concerning belief and desires. But can a transparency account be generalised to knowledge of one's own perceptions? In a recent paper, Alex Byrne (2012) argues that we can know what we see by (...)
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    The six books of Diophantus’ Arithmetic increased and reduced to specious: the lost manuscript of Jacques Ozanam (1640–1718). [REVIEW]Francisco Gómez-García, Pedro J. Herrero-Piñeyro, Antonio Linero-Bas, Ma Rosa Massa-Esteve & Antonio Mellado-Romero - 2021 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 75 (5):557-611.
    The introduction of a new analytical method, due fundamentally to François Viète and René Descartes and the later dissemination of their works, resulted in a profound change in the way of thinking and doing mathematics. This change, known as process of algebrization, occurred during the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries and led to a great transformation in mathematics. Among many other consequences, this process gave rise to the treatment of the results in the classic treatises with the new analytical method, (...)
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  42. Use of the Labour-Intensive Method in the Repair of a Rural Road Serving an Indigenous Community in Jocotán (Guatemala).Rodrigo Ares, José-María Fuentes, Eutiquio Gallego, Francisco Ayuga & Ana-Isabel García - 2012 - Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (2):315-338.
    Abstract This paper reports the results obtained in an aid project designed to improve transport in the municipal area of Jocotán (Guatemala). The rural road network of an area occupied by indigenous people was analysed and a road chosen for repair using the labour-intensive method–something never done before in this area. The manpower required for the project was provided by the population that would benefit from the project; the involvement of outside contractors and businesses was avoided. All payment for labour (...)
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    Voices as Cues to Children’s Needs for Caregiving.Carlos Hernández Blasi, David F. Bjorklund, Sonia Agut, Francisco Lozano Nomdedeu & Miguel Ángel Martínez - 2022 - Human Nature 33 (1):22-42.
    The aim of this study was to explore the role of voices as cues to adults of children’s needs for potential caregiving during early childhood. To this purpose, 74 college students listened to pairs of 5-year-old versus 10-year-old children verbalizing neutral-content sentences and indicated which voice was better associated with each of 14 traits, potentially meaningful in interactions between young children and adults. Results indicated that children with immature voices were perceived more positively and as being more helpless than children (...)
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    Catch the Open! A Gamified Interactive Immersion Into Open Educational Practices for Higher Education Educators.Natalia Padilla-Zea, Daniel Burgos, Alicia García-Holgado, Francisco José García-Peñalvo, Mélanie Pauline Harquevaux, Colin de-la-Higuera, James Brunton & Ahmed Tlili - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Open Education opens up learning opportunities to, potentially, every person in the world. Additionally, it allows teachers, researchers, and practitioners to find, share, reuse, and improve existing resources under a dependable legal framework. Aiming to spread and foster the introduction of open policies in Higher Education institutions, the gamified interactive learning experience Catch the Open! was developed. Catch the Open! targets HE educators who wish to learn, or who wish to deepen their existing knowledge, about OE and Open Educational Practices. (...)
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  45.  23
    Mitochondria and the non‐genetic origins of cell‐to‐cell variability: More is different.Raúl Guantes, Juan Díaz-Colunga & Francisco J. Iborra - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (1):64-76.
    Gene expression activity is heterogeneous in a population of isogenic cells. Identifying the molecular basis of this variability will improve our understanding of phenomena like tumor resistance to drugs, virus infection, or cell fate choice. The complexity of the molecular steps and machines involved in transcription and translation could introduce sources of randomness at many levels, but a common constraint to most of these processes is its energy dependence. In eukaryotic cells, most of this energy is provided by mitochondria. A (...)
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  46. Report on Shafe Policies, Strategies and Funding.Willeke van Staalduinen, Carina Dantas, Maddalena Illario, Cosmina Paul, Agnieszka Cieśla, Alexander Seifert, Alexandre Chikalanow, Amine Haj Taieb, Ana Perandres, Andjela Jaksić Stojanović, Andrea Ferenczi, Andrej Grgurić, Andrzej Klimczuk, Anne Moen, Areti Efthymiou, Arianna Poli, Aurelija Blazeviciene, Avni Rexhepi, Begonya Garcia-Zapirain, Berrin Benli, Bettina Huesbp, Damon Berry, Daniel Pavlovski, Deborah Lambotte, Diana Guardado, Dumitru Todoroi, Ekateryna Shcherbakova, Evgeny Voropaev, Fabio Naselli, Flaviana Rotaru, Francisco Melero, Gian Matteo Apuzzo, Gorana Mijatović, Hannah Marston, Helen Kelly, Hrvoje Belani, Igor Ljubi, Ildikó Modlane Gorgenyi, Jasmina Baraković Husić, Jennifer Lumetzberger, Joao Apóstolo, John Deepu, John Dinsmore, Joost van Hoof, Kadi Lubi, Katja Valkama, Kazumasa Yamada, Kirstin Martin, Kristin Fulgerud, Lebar S. & Lhotska Lea - 2021 - Coimbra: SHINE2Europe.
    The objective of Working Group 4 of the COST Action NET4Age-Friendly is to examine existing policies, advocacy, and funding opportunities and to build up relations with policy makers and funding organisations. Also, to synthesize and improve existing knowledge and models to develop from effective business and evaluation models, as well as to guarantee quality and education, proper dissemination and ensure the future of the Action. The Working Group further aims to enable capacity building to improve interdisciplinary participation, to promote knowledge (...)
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    Effectiveness of eHealth-Based Psychological Interventions for Depression Treatment in Patients With Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review. [REVIEW]Esperanza Varela-Moreno, Mónica Carreira Soler, José Guzmán-Parra, Francisco Jódar-Sánchez, Fermín Mayoral-Cleries & María Teresa Anarte-Ortíz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    BackgroundComorbidity between diabetes mellitus and depression is highly prevalent. The risk of depression in a person with diabetes is approximately twice that of a person without this disease. Depression has a major impact on patient well-being and control of diabetes. However, despite the availability of effective and specific therapeutic interventions for the treatment of depression in people with diabetes, 50% of patients do not receive psychological treatment due to insufficient and difficult accessibility to psychological therapies in health systems. The use (...)
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    Domingues, I. "filosofia no brasil. Legados E perspectivas. Ensaios metafilosóficos". São Paulo: Ed. unesp, 2017. 561p. [REVIEW]Oswaldo Giacoia Junior - 2018 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 59 (140):631-636.
    RESUMO O artigo analisa o modo como Malebranche apresenta o conhecimento que possuímos de nossa própria alma a partir da noção de sentimento interior. Para tanto, tomamos como ponto de partida a concepção malebrancheana do argumento do cogito, opondo-a à de Descartes, tomando-o como uma constatação imediata da existência de algo que sente, sem, no entanto, poder afirmar algo sobre sua essência. O conhecimento da alma torna-se assim algo puramente afetivo, sem nenhum conteúdo positivo, e por natureza distinto do conhecimento (...)
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    Voces de un diálogo: Francisco Romero y los filósofos norteamer.Florencia Ferreira de Cassone - 2012 - Cuyo 29 (2):87-131.
    La obra de Francisco Romero (1891-1962) ha revolucionado el pensamiento argentino no sólo en el sentido de crear un nuevo sistema filosófico, sino en el de sentar una genuina filosofía americana. Su trabajo se extendió no sólo al campo filosófico, sino también al editorial y universitario. En este contexto y a través del epistolario entramos en la práctica y los contenidos de sociabilidad, para delinear las contribuciones de la categoría en el campo de la historia de las ideas. Desde (...)
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    Francisco García Chicote, El sujeto de la emancipación. Personalidad y capitalismo en György Lukács y Siegfried Kracauer.Nahuel Alzu - 2021 - Dianoia 66 (87):178-182.
    Resumen En esta nota crítica presento un análisis de los materiales textuales que constituyen el capítulo 19 de la serie Early Greek Philosophy de A. Laks y G. Most dedicado a Parménides. Después de comparar cuantitativamente los textos de este capítulo con las ediciones de H. Diels y A.H. Coxon, así como de precisar cuáles son los textos "nuevos" que figuran en esta edición y las formas en que los editores decidieron presentarlos, ofrezco algunas consideraciones sobre el concepto mismo de (...)
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